Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Bed Rest Day 62 - I'm on the 'see-food' diet

Turkey Day was good. Ate lots & lots. My appetite has doubled in the last 2 weeks. I'm eating everything in sight - much worse than before. Its a good thing, though. Peanut is growing in leaps & bounds. My belly seems bigger everyday. She must be getting big & strong because she's gives me some kicks sometimes that practically cripple me. I feel bruised on one side.

I go to the doctor tomorrow & hopefully they'll take me off this terbutaline & tell me I can start walking & stuff (tee-hee) to bring on labor. Corey & I are determined to get this baby out before Christmas!

Saturday we're going to see the Rockefeller Tree & visit Santa at Macy's in Herald Square. I can't wait. Hopefully, I'll have the okay from the doctor & won't have to make the trip in a wheelchair. :(

I'll be sure to post pictures!! For now I'll share these:

My massive belly:

My massive belly wearing a hat (check out my chipmunk cheeks! Yikes!!):

Miss Mimi VanWhiskerhausen - Santa's Helper:

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