Monday, November 19, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!

So, tomorrow we leave for wild & wonderful West Virginia for the holiday.I won't be back until next Monday.

I've been running around like a chicken, er...turkey, with my head cut off trying to get everything ready. Tonight I made Pilgrim Hats, acorns and turkey cookies (see below). I even went to the grocery store - big mistake. It was PACKED. Though, I have to admit, seeing the crowd really got me in the holiday spirit.

Sydney came home from daycare with a turkey made from her handprint. I LOVE it and promptly hung it on the fridge. There's nothing like baby artwork.
I wish you all a very, very happy Thanksgiving!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

November snow...

Woke up this morning to big, chunky flakes of white stuff falling outside.
The first snow of the season made for the perfect day to stay in my jammies and bake cookies.
Corey went into the office for a few hours, so Sydney & I hung out.

Inspired by the start of my subscriptions to Bon Appetit, Gourmet & Everyday Food, I made some yummy ginger cookies to take to West Virginia for Thanksgiving. I think there was a bagel pizza in there somewhere, too. Mmm.

So, now I prepare for our week in West Virginia. Making my lists. I'm such a list maker, but I don't want to forget anything. Who knew something so little, like a baby, could require almost 2 duffel bags worth of stuff to go away with! Diapers, formula, baby food, clothes, more clothes, toys, blankets....phew! Even with my lists, I'm sure I'll have to hit up WalMart for something I've forgotten.

So, for now, I leave you with pictures of today and a very special message:


Saturday, November 17, 2007

I'm back.

Blog? What blog? I have a blog?
Oh yeah....that old thing.
Well here I am - back at it.
Life has been quite hectic in these past 8 months.
We bought a house.
I got a job, quit a job and got a new job which I like MUCH better.
Sydney is growing fast. She'll be 11-months-old next week!
I turned 30. Let's not mention it again.
I've reconnected with some amazing chicks and I couldn't be happier.
Unfortunately, I don't think my future blog posts will be nearly exciting as those of long ago. I've changed so much as a person, it's unbelievable. Sometimes I don't recognize myself.
For example, my weekends now are filled with housework and Sam's Club as opposed to karaoke and brew-fests.
I love being a mom.
So, here is my promise: I promise I will update my blog more often. I promise I will not fill it with the mundane details of my everyday life. They'll be no long, rambling posts about Hot Pockets or rants about the cashier at WalMart. I will, in fact, offer the more interesting aspects of my life right now: the new things Sydney does everyday and the wonderful discoveries I make as I continue to explore my new hometown.
Winter is quickly approaching and it's quite chilly in our old house. I'm off to snuggle under a blanket on the couch with my hubby and some popcorn and watch Food Network. :)