Sunday, November 18, 2007

November snow...

Woke up this morning to big, chunky flakes of white stuff falling outside.
The first snow of the season made for the perfect day to stay in my jammies and bake cookies.
Corey went into the office for a few hours, so Sydney & I hung out.

Inspired by the start of my subscriptions to Bon Appetit, Gourmet & Everyday Food, I made some yummy ginger cookies to take to West Virginia for Thanksgiving. I think there was a bagel pizza in there somewhere, too. Mmm.

So, now I prepare for our week in West Virginia. Making my lists. I'm such a list maker, but I don't want to forget anything. Who knew something so little, like a baby, could require almost 2 duffel bags worth of stuff to go away with! Diapers, formula, baby food, clothes, more clothes, toys, blankets....phew! Even with my lists, I'm sure I'll have to hit up WalMart for something I've forgotten.

So, for now, I leave you with pictures of today and a very special message:


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