Happy belated Easter. Happy Spring!! Yesterday was such a tease - 60 degrees! It was so nice not to leave the house dressed up in the confines of my winter coat. Sydney was glad not to have a hat on, too, I'm sure! But, alas, this morning it was in the 40's - back into my prison of down-filled nylon. Sigh...
Not much else going on in our little world here in Eastern Pennsylvania.
Sydney is FINALLY FINALLY off of baby food completely!! This is SUCH a HUGE step for us! She had been fighting the table food for months now - wouldn't feed herself & gagged if you gave her something she had to chew. Then I noticed that she had been turning away at anything on a spoon (except her favorite cereal and yogurt, of course). She just didn't want it if it was on any utensil. I was trying to feed her macaroni and cheese and she was turning her head from me and crying. I was tired and frustrated (this had been going on for a week now) so I got up and went in the kitchen to get her something else to eat. I came back to find her feeding herself the mac & cheese!!!
I was amazed! So now, Sydney feeds herself like a big girl - mac & cheese, green beans, grilled cheese, tortellini, peas, french toast, pancakes - everything!! Its FANTASTIC!!! Corey, Sydney & I actually all site down and have dinner together now.
Well, that's all the news I have for now. I'm praying for a nice weekend....