Mesclun the Magic Purple Platypus - Master of the Salad Toss!

I won him Saturday at the Ren Faire playing a game called Salad Toss (I know). The idea was to throw these stuffed tomatoes (
yes, with an 'e') thru these cardboard cut outs of Ren inspired characters. I won and was blessed with my new buddy - Mesclun.
So look out for Mesclun - he's my new partner in crime and will accompanying me on my travels about the tri-state area (and beyond).
Coming up on Mesclun's calendar of events: the Brooklyn Brewfest, my first football game at Virginia Tech, & my bro's in North Carolina.
But for now - here are some things I learned at the Ren Faire this year:
1. Yards were shorter in midieval times.
2. Somebody likes chainmail...
3. Crushed velvet purple pants are hot
4. I throw like a girl
5. People still play Dungeons & Dragons (or at least want to)
6. Everything is better with powdered sugar.
7. How to speak like a West Virginian - its 'baw-tle' not 'boat-tle'
Oh and I forgot to mention.
FINALLY got to see Team America: World Police & Old School. Both very, very funny. Me likey.
Two more to check off my list...
Still haven't see the Godfather, though. LOL
So is my last day of vacay. :( Back to the grind tomorrow. Work and then class starts. yay.