Thursday, June 29, 2006

There's a person inside me

Its unbelievable. I had an ultrasound yesterday in the ER at Nyack (long story - I'm okay) and was amazed at how much Peanut has changed in just 6 weeks.
The technician showed Corey more than me, but I got to see hands, feet and fingers!! Five little fingers. It really brought it all home - there's a person growing inside of me!!
At my last ultrasound, even though I got to hear the heartbeat it didn't LOOK like a person. This time, it did. An ACTUAL person.
Peanut was active, too. Jumping around inside me. I can't feel it yet, no matter how still I lay & how much I concentrate. I know I have time for that, but after seeing it move - I'm dying to feel it move.

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