Monday, November 28, 2005

Okay....I can talk about it now....

Oy. My reunion. What a night.
The day started off calmly enough.
Pretty much just laid around the house, did some laundry, blah, blah, blah.
Then I got ready for the festivities.
Kelly & Ryan picked me up around 6:15.
Got to the Holidome to set things up. The event started at 8, but a couple of us got there early to set up & stuff. Erica & Andrea came, too. Andrea looks fantastic!!
Of course....I start with the Jack & Diet Coke almost immediately. WHAT WAS I THINKING?!?
Maggie + Jack = Oy
So, by the time people started showing up, I was nursing my third drink. And by nursing, I mean gulping, and by third, I mean fourth.....or was it fifth?
So, at this point, I'm pretty loosened up and just making the rounds.
Got to see some people I haven't seen in YEARS - it was quite cool.
Got to see the guy who nicknamed me that HORRID name in elementary school - and even got to tell his wife about it. LOL She wasn't too happy with him!! It was all in good fun.
Got to see my high school crush.....What WAS I THINKING?
I have to say the best thing about the whole night was that I just didn't give a rat's ass.
I walked around and talked to EVERYONE. Whether or not you talked to me in high school, you were talking to me that night - some people never change, though.
I danced my ass off with Bethany, Andrea, Erica & Kelly.
I think I probably smoked a pack of cigarettes with Mike, Max, Chris, Marika, Brian & Erin.
I actually had a rocking good time. I just wish I could remember more of it. :-p
Thank you to Kelly & Ryan for getting me home safely (and making sure I took the right coat).
Woke up the next morning with a WICKED hangover, a cut on my forehead (?), a coors light label stuck to my foot, 2 fun vmails & 1 text from Corey & a horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach.
It took two calls & an AIM conversation with Kelly to make me feel better. I also had a minor break down with my Mommy. But, I'm all good now. Promise.
The afternoon of retail therapy with Mom helped, too. :-)
Now, I just have to make it thru the week.......have a feeling its gonna be a long one. Sigh.

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